Holatra: sokajy sanda sy fampiasanaDespite the fact that mycology as a branch of biology that studies fungi originated in the middle of the XNUMXth century, there are still many unanswered questions. So, it is still not clear whether the object of study belongs to the plant or animal world. It has not been proven whether the fruiting bodies, which are considered poisonous, are so dangerous. It is not entirely clear how conditionally edible mushrooms can be used. There are many other unexplored points about the origin of mushrooms and their use by humans.

Previously, it was believed that the history of the study of mushrooms originates in China and has more than two thousand years. Recently, however, an event that has become a sensation has become known in European countries. In the Tyrolean Alps, a frozen man was found in a glacier, who was named Otsi. It was possible to establish by radiocarbon method that this primitive inhabitant of our planet fell into ice captivity 5300 years ago. The most surprising thing about this find is that mushrooms were found with this primitive man. One of them was a white fly agaric, which could serve as an amulet for a person. Three other dried and frozen mushrooms contained an acid that was similar to an antibiotic in its therapeutic effect.

The categories of mushrooms and how to use them correctly are described in detail in this article.

What categories are wild mushrooms

Holatra: sokajy sanda sy fampiasana

At first, mushrooms were classified as plants, but in the 1990s and early 2000s, much was written about the fact that mushrooms belong to the animal world. This is not surprising, since many properties combine them with animals. For example, germ cells of fungi in the form of plasmodium during the breeding season can move at a speed of 5 mm per hour.

Mushrooms are divided into 4 categories according to nutritional value:

  • 1st category – the most valuable and delicious forest species, giving mushroom products of excellent quality (white, milk mushrooms, mushrooms, Caesar mushroom).
  • 2nd category – good and quite valuable mushrooms of high, but not excellent quality (boletus, boletus, boletus, chanterelles, champignons, volnushki, honey mushrooms).
  • 3rd category – edible mushrooms of medium quality and taste (moss mushrooms, russula, black mushrooms, chanterelles, valui),
  • 4th category – low-value forest mushrooms (rows, cobwebs and others).

It should be noted that the categories of the main types of mushrooms are defined and approved in the “Sanitary rules for the harvesting, processing and sale of mushrooms SP”. Knowing which category mushrooms belong to, you can plan how to use them.

The next section of the article focuses on how a person uses mushrooms.

Culinary and medicinal uses of mushrooms

It is also surprising that the use of fresh forest mushrooms is possible all year round, including the winter period.

Mushrooms are an amazing natural phenomenon, their main purpose in human life is as follows:

  • The culinary use of mushrooms for the preparation of tasty, healthy and affordable dishes (for a long time in Our Country, during fasting, they ate milk mushrooms, chanterelles, honey agarics, mushrooms and mushrooms).
  • Cooking and delicacies of gourmet dishes used in feasts and at high-ranking meetings.
  • Production of healing and medicinal folk remedies, for example, from raincoats (for hemostatic purposes), etc.
  • The use of mushrooms in medicine for the manufacture of drugs and pharmaceuticals on an industrial scale, for example, the creation of flammulin from winter mushrooms, which has anti-inflammatory and antitumor effects.
  • Mushrooms are unique in the variety of their properties. These properties need to be studied comprehensively. There is an opinion of scientists that mushrooms contain all the necessary useful and medicinal substances for people, but only some of them have been fully studied. In recent years, interest in the medicinal properties of mushrooms has increased many times over. The reason for this lies in the discovery of a number of new properties and fungi that have anti-cancer and anti-infective properties that can be used in the manufacture of drugs that help at any stage of the disease, for example, medicines based on birch chaga. However, there is another side. The use of all mushrooms indiscriminately led to poisoning, hallucinogenic manifestations and even death.
  • Getting pleasure from “mushroom hunting”. Today, more than a million species of fungi are known, of which only 100 have been studied. Nature, as it were, tells us: study and use mushrooms comprehensively, but skillfully! The Japanese believe that if you eat 100 grams of mushrooms every day, then a person will never have any oncological diseases. Mushrooms can heal, many useful medicines have been obtained from them, and even more are yet to be explored. They can be poisoned, but they can also be cured. Mushrooms are so diverse in their properties that it seems that one can find medicines for the treatment of any disease in them, but for this it is necessary to continue comprehensive research. One can argue or agree with the opinion of scientists about the properties of many species, but one thing is clear: the useful potential of mushrooms is huge. This area has a great future!

How can a person use forest mushrooms correctly

In terms of nutritional value and nutritional value, mushrooms are not inferior to meat, but their protein is difficult to digest and requires long-term heat treatment and grinding. This applies to most species, but not all fungi. But the assimilation of macro- and microelements contained in them brings undoubted benefits, especially in winter. The presence of vitamins and essential amino acids, the deficiency of which seriously affects the functioning of the body, in general, makes the use of mushrooms not only pleasant, but also useful.

Restrictions may be with exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, remote gallbladder, chronic pancreatitis and cholecystitis. You should always compare the sensations from the food you eat with the state of your internal environment and rationally approach gastronomic hobbies. Then mushroom delicacies will bring great pleasure and benefit.

Temperature treatment in any way mushrooms are used in cooking does not always make mushrooms safe to eat. So, thin pigs accumulate toxic substances. Of course, from a single use, a negative effect is not observed, but a long-term one leads to a change in the composition of the blood and damage to liver cells. That is why thin pigs are classified as poisonous mushrooms.

The situation is similar with ordinary lines. The usual boiling for 15-20 minutes and draining the water allow you to use them once in a small amount. However, their repeated use leads to a negative effect on the stomach and the appearance of pain, so they are also poisonous.

The people are inventive in cooking. Recipes are passed down from generation to generation among villagers. City dwellers add to traditional recipes the restaurant experience of foreign cuisine, especially Italian and Japanese.

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