Fitsaboana ara-pahasalamana ho an'ny lichen planus

Fitsaboana ara-pahasalamana ho an'ny lichen planus

1 / Lichen cutané plan

The objective of the treatment of cutaneous forms is to shorten the healing time and decrease itching.

The first-line treatment prescribed by the doctor most often combines local corticosteroid therapy (strong or very strong class corticosteroids) to treatment by moisturizer, even antihistamines in case of strong itching.

If there is no improvement, the doctor may prescribe a oral corticosteroid therapy, or even acitretin (Soriatane®), which is a derivative of vitamin A

La phototherapy (UVB or PUVAtherapy, delivered in the cabin at the doctor’s office) may also be a treatment offered in the skin involvement

2 / Mucosal involvement

2.A/Lychen plan buccal

2.Aa / Reticulated buccal lichen planus

The crosslinked lesions being asymptomatic and therefore not very troublesome for the patient, they are therefore generally not treated.

2.Ab / Erosive and atrophic oral lichen planus

Amin'ny ankapobeny dia soso-kevitra nyavoid any oral irritants (tobacco, alcohol, etc.)

The doctor often prescribes local corticosteroids (Buccobet®) or even a tretinoin cream (Ketrel®, Locacid®, Effederm®…).

In the absence of improvement or in severe forms from the outset, the doctor may prescribe corticosteroids am-bava.

2.B / Genital lichen planus

The doctor most often uses very strong class corticosteroids which generally give good results.

3. Fandraisana anjara amin'ny Phanereal (volo, hoho, volo)

3.A / Volo lichen planus: follicular lichen planus

The doctor uses strong class topical corticosteroids.

3.B / Lichen planus amin'ny volo: lichen planus pilaris

The doctor uses strong class corticosteroids alone or in combination with corticosteroid injections into the scalp. In the event of resistance to treatment, he then resorts to oral corticosteroids, or even acitretin (Soriatane®), which is a derivative of vitamin A

3.C / Lichen planus amin'ny fantsika: fantsika lichen planus

Since the nails can disappear under the effect of lichen planus, the doctor usually prescribes oral corticosteroids, sometimes combined with corticosteroid injections in the nail matrix (the base of the nail).

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