Capricorn – zodiac sign Capricorn: a general description and characteristics of the sign

Capricorn is one of the three earth signs. If Taurus is distinguished by love for pleasures, Virgo by the desire to have order in everything, then Capricorn has such qualities as stubbornness and purposefulness. At its core, it has the potential of movement inside, but this potential is in a state of statics and is activated at the moment when a specific goal appears in the representative of the sign. Metaphorically, the energy potential of the Capricorn sign can be compared to a compressed spring, which gives a powerful impulse at the moment when Capricorn sets a goal and begins to move towards it.

The sign of Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, which means that the representative of the sign is characterized by such qualities as seriousness, reliability, decency. You can rely on a Capricorn man, and a woman always keeps her promises. An amazing contrast lives in this sign – it is a mixture of pedantry and a thirst for experimentation.

Characteristics of the sign Capricorn

If the water signs passively go with the flow, the air signs act according to the situation, and the fiery ones perform actions, then the earth sign Capricorn moves towards the goal, first in his mind, and only then physically. Therefore, its movement towards the goal may not be noticeable to an outside observer. This is due to the fact that he first creates a map of movement towards the goal. His movement is meaningful steps, fixed by a clear plan, this quality that distinguishes Capricorn is not available to every sign. Capricorn does not act intuitively or impulsively, he acts thoughtfully. The reason for such a valuable quality is connected with the ruler of the sign. Saturn is a planet whose transits draw a person’s attention to solving specific and practical problems that ensure responsibility for one’s life and development. Therefore, the one whose Sun is in Capricorn will not dream of the unrealizable, he knows how to act in the real world .. This leads to the fact that people with the Sun in Capricorn can cut off new and unusual methods, they act in proven ways. Secretly, they are curious about original approaches. They are interested in watching others experiment and learning from them, and only then trying new approaches on their own.

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The character of a person depends on how the personal planets feel in the zodiac of his solar sign. In astrology, there are 4 properties of the planets that determine the qualities of character:

  • exaltation and abode is a normal and excess quality;
  • exile and fall are weak qualities, problems on the way of expression.

The strong qualities of Capricorn are foresight and activity, and the weak ones are caring and romance.

Capricorn has pronounced virtues that are inherent in the representative of this sign:

  • ability to strategic planning in any area;
  • calculation of their efforts in time frames.

The weaknesses of Capricorns are a consequence of their strengths.

Often prudent but willing to experiment, this leads to a constant struggle between control and impulsivity. This can be expressed in attempts to protest the existing routine:

  • abrupt job change
  • family care,
  • violent entertainment and bad habits,
  • fanatanjahan-tena tafahoatra.

Falling into extremes in Capricorns occurs when life is too subordinate to the routine, and they become bored. Partners and friends who stay with Capricorn for a long time should bring adventure and pleasure into his life, and not require responsibility and care. After all, he will always take care of who is dear to him, himself.

In the sign of Capricorn, the qualities of the Moon are not very strong, so the sign can contribute to emotional vulnerability, if a representative of the Capricorn sign is hurt emotionally, then he can react with a sharp outburst of anger. The level of control over oneself and one’s emotions depends on the acquired skills.

Capricorn’s Favorite Activities

Mars is exalted in the sign, which means that male activity is characteristic of both sexes. Excessive activity can manifest itself in the form of a thirst for movement from place to place, which makes a person easy to climb.

A representative of a sign with increased activity strives to realize his plans as soon as possible and takes active actions. Therefore, they love to drive vehicles, almost all representatives of the sign love one of the following areas:

  • fanatanjahan-tena
  • fanamboarana,
  • fizahan-tany.

They do it as a hobby. Tidying up an apartment or cottage is a pleasure for this sign. This is one of the reasons why Capricorns love to buy real estate, they immediately imagine how they will be doing repairs. If a Capricorn woman has never done repairs, then she just needs to try and learn a little under someone’s guidance, and soon she will fall in love with this business.

Some hobbies of this sign are determined by Saturn, for example, an interest in history. Reading books on historical subjects develops the intuition of the representatives of the sign and the ability to predict.

Capricorns and Responsibility

Saturn is in the sign, which means that this sign tends to do important things on time, not to accumulate debts. It is not common for him to commit bad deeds caused by personality weakness, if, according to others, Capricorn acted badly, then most likely he did it intentionally.

Capricorns in the household

Capricorns know how to take care of a partner, but they don’t do it creatively. This is due to the fact that they do not have a task to please their partner, they want him to get what he wants on time. They love simple manifestations of care: homemade dinners, gifts with a practical meaning .. They show thrift in the household, because Saturn causes the ability to foresee. They can fill the pantry with food and make homemade preparations.

It is easier to understand and appreciate the care of Capricorn for signs with manifested lunar qualities, for those who themselves do not mind doing housework. An ambitious Capricorn will not take on all the housework. He prefers to do household chores together. In housekeeping, they are helped by such qualities as the ability to organize their activities, practicality and the ability to enjoy the ordinary joys of life. They love to go to the country, decorate their house and improve the garden.


If Capricorn knows how to cook, then most likely he loves national cuisine and prepares dishes using simple recipes. The representatives of the sign generally do not have a great penchant for cooking, they would prefer someone else to cook. If a Capricorn woman has to cook, then she will provide a standard set of dishes prepared simply and without frills. However, when traveling, they like to try new dishes of the national cuisine of different countries, this satisfies their need for knowledge of other cultures.

Capricorn man and Capricorn woman – differences

The Sun is the main personal planet in the zodiac, the second most important planet is the Moon, which affects women more. Therefore, in the men of Capricorn, the features of the sign will manifest themselves especially brightly, because the Sun controls men, in addition, Mars is actively manifested in Capricorn. That is, male energy enhances the properties of the sign. Capricorn women can be less active and purposeful, especially during that period of life when they are engaged in family and children. Best of all, the sunny qualities of Capricorn women can manifest themselves in the following situations:

  • work in a team;
  • hiking trips;
  • receiving higher education.

Jupiter is responsible for social growth, this planet in the sign of Capricorn has a lack of its qualities, this property manifests itself especially in women, since men are more inclined to accumulate the energy of Jupiter. Women of this earth sign may feel weak and unauthoritative. They need a strong personality nearby. This helps them focus more on internal goals and reduces their desire to conform to borrowed social norms.

A relationship with a Sagittarius or Cancer man will help Capricorn women find inner stability and believe in their own success.

Capricorn men who find that things are not going well for them need to relieve themselves of responsibility for other people. Weak internal authority, combined with increased responsibility, often causes a tendency to take on too much.

Features of the sign Capricorn by decades

The sign of the zodiac is also affected by the element to which it belongs. And the element has the qualities of all earth signs, so some representatives of the Capricorn sign are similar to Taurus, and some are like Virgo. In the astrological tradition, division into decades is accepted.

Taona voalohany (22.12 – 31.12)

The first decade defines the Capricorn sign in its purest form, it is characterized by determination, stubbornness, purposefulness, and the desire for accuracy. Representatives of the 1st decade realize themselves well in areas related to responsibility. In general, any career can be chosen, because Capricorn sets goals for himself, but if he has already set a goal, then he will either achieve it or change the goal, but this decision will be deeply justified.

Taona faharoa (1.01 – 12.01)

Capricorn with Taurus traits gives representatives of the sign a craving for pleasure, they love to travel more than work, their temperament requires a splash in an active personal life, which, however, depends on the nature of the movements. Capricorn usually doesn’t hold on to a partner or take anyone with them, so if he needs to leave and isn’t followed, he doesn’t worry. This feature is directly related to the inert sphere of feelings. A violent surge of libido, provoked by a strong Mars, gives a powerful sexual activity, which can develop into an emotional need only over time. Only those who want to follow him can stay with Capricorn of the 2nd decade.

Third decade (13..01 – 20.01)

In the third decade, representatives of the Capricorn sign with Virgo traits are born, their feature is high intelligence, so interest in science will be natural. The precision of Saturn combined with the mobility of Mercury gives aptitude for mathematics, programming and engineering.

Emotional problems in representatives of the sign may be due to unconscious and not expressed feelings in time, not spoken words of love. Often they seem cold and unkind to partners. Representatives of this sign can feel everything deeply, but this can only be noticed by their actions. External manifestations of love on the imperturbable and calm face of Capricorn can be invisible. Therefore, partners who can read the sphere of feelings without clarifying the relationship are suitable for them, for example, Pisces, Taurus, Cancers, Libra.

Capricorns are not romantic, they do not like walks under the moon, baths with rose petals, and even go to social events reluctantly. At the stage of courtship, in order to win the desired woman, a man can spend money on her whims, but only according to his financial capabilities and would prefer to do this for reasons of help, and not for the sake of pleasant emotions.

Representatives of the sign are potentially faithful, but only if their relationship suits.

How to determine if Capricorn has feelings:

  • he builds relationships, performs actions;
  • he considers his partner a part of his life;
  • makes joint plans;
  • invest in relationships.

All these manifestations can arise gradually under the influence of the attitude of a partner, who must be the first to convince of his love, devotion and desire for a stable relationship.

An important quality for compatibility with Capricorn is the partner’s inner conviction that Capricorn loves and the ability to involve him in his deep feelings and vivid desires.

Capricorn and the element of fire

Compatibility with fire signs is possible, since fire signs have a strong libido and personal brightness, this is interesting for Capricorn, but will the relationship be long-term?


Relationships can become cool if Leo expects constant compliments and praise from Capricorn, having learned to receive recognition from other sources, Leo can be a stable and interesting partner.


In a relationship with Capricorn, it is important for Sagittarius to work out his reaction to the coldness and low emotionality of a partner, if he can perceive this normally and will not step back or change, then partners can build an alliance on a craving for adventure.


Aries and Capricorn are a potentially conflicted union, because both signs have a strong will and strong yang qualities. In a situation where no one wants to give in, it is worth checking compatibility on other planets, if both partners are Yang, then they will not be able to live together.

Capricorn and the element of air

Capricorn easily approaches air signs on the basis of interesting communication and the desire for experiments. However, when the first interest fades, the partners will either break up or find deeper common ground.


It is quite difficult for Aquarians to be in a loving position, they themselves expect the manifestation of feelings and care, so relationships are more like friendship.


It is difficult for Gemini to convince Capricorn of the seriousness of their intentions, because they are easily distracted, and this creates an unstable atmosphere in the relationship.


Libra and Capricorn are relationships that can last a long time, because Saturn is exalted in Libra, which seals the union, that is, the couple may have common deep values.

Capricorn and the element of earth

If earth signs overcome the causes of their problems, then their desire for stability will help create a family, subject to sexual compatibility.


Virgo and Capricorn can understand each other perfectly, however, if Capricorn notices that Virgo wants to enter into a marriage of convenience, he will not like it and he may leave.


Two Capricorns can go together towards common goals, each will see in the other his continuation, what he is striving for.


Capricorn is attracted to the sexuality of Taurus. However, Taurus’ flirting can constantly make Capricorn jealous, it will be difficult for him to feel vulnerable and he will want to step back. If Taurus wants to keep Capricorn, he will need to create fewer reasons for jealousy.

Capricorn and the element of water

Water signs have a high potential for relationships with a sign like Capricorn. Their strong feelings satisfy a deep emotional hunger and harmonize the earth sign’s inner vulnerability.


Cancer does not expect care, but on the contrary, he himself can support and develop timid attempts to build a relationship of a mean earth sign.


Scorpio can hook Capricorn with his mysterious and ambiguous behavior, but he can only keep him around if he sincerely loves and desires a long-term relationship. The signs may have a hidden rivalry, since both have a strong ego and one must recognize the leader in the other.


Pisces is an attractive sign in which Venus is exalted, which means that they can complement Capricorn with the strong qualities of Venus that the earth sign lacks. First of all, this is a developed emotionality, a rich inner world, a developed intuition, and Capricorn will make the life of dreamy Pisces more comfortable.

For Capricorn, the most important thing is the desire for one’s own goals, so he may well set career goals for himself, and he is not afraid to start from the very bottom of the career ladder. However, submission to superiors may not be easy. If the boss does not command respect, then the representative of the Capricorn sign can go into conflict and slam the door. In general, Capricorn can work in any profile, he is especially good at leadership, so this sign is recommended to either set ambitious career goals or start his own business.

Professions suitable for Capricorns are explained by their strengths:

  1. Capricorns can make excellent athletes and fitness trainers, because they can calculate how many hours a day and with what intensity they need to work out in order to achieve results.
  2. Economists, marketers, PR specialists, because they can do business planning, analyze the market and create promotion strategies for various projects.
  3. Capricorn leaders are excellent because they have such qualities as the ability to set a goal for the team, create discipline and a motivation system, and they also love formal paperwork. This allows Capricorns to feel comfortable in areas related to the conclusion of contracts and personnel records management.
  4. Representatives of the sign can work as administrators, secretaries, librarians without problems, but temporarily, this is more suitable for Capricorn women who have moderate ambitions.

Toerana fanatanterahana

Traditionally, in astrology, the main area in which Capricorn succeeds is construction and repair, trade in building materials. Therefore, if a representative of the sign has become a builder, engineer or foreman, then we can safely say that he has found his calling.

A profession in the field of tourism, for example, a tour guide, is very suitable for this sign, especially for men. After all, Mars often turns on in Capricorn, which creates a turbulent flow of energy that causes a desire to move.

Inappropriate Professions

Capricorn women are suitable for professions related to the design of clothes and the manufacture of things, but for men of this sign, the profession of a furniture maker, potter or designer is not always suitable. It depends on the individual natal chart and the position of Mars, if the representative of the sign is restless, then the projection does not suit him.

Some areas do not resonate with the earth sign, so if one of the Capricorns succeeds in them, then this is rather an exception. This sign is not very suitable to be:

  • artist;
  • a writer;
  • mpahay siansa;
  • musician;
  • mpandaha-teny

This is due to the fact that the earth sign may not have a high reaction rate, he learns new ideas later than others, he lacks the flexibility of thinking, and the need to reveal emotions to the public scares him.

A creative profession that suits the sign is sculpture, because it allows you to work with clay (the element of earth), and the presence of practical tasks turns on the energy of the sign;

Dance for women as a sport will be very interesting, because competition and the opportunity to reach heights give energy to the earth sign.

Professions for Capricorns on the Chinese calendar

The influence of Jupiter determines the potential for social success, which is expressed in confidence in one’s status and positions in society. These manifestations are calculated in Capricorn according to the Chinese calendar.

For Capricorn women, career success is predicted only if a woman is more career-oriented than family-oriented. This is due to the fact that, according to the Vedic tradition, it is useful for men to develop the energy of Jupiter and Mars in themselves.

  • Rats have strong self-confidence, can take leadership positions and take initiative. The same rats that do not feel the desire for power will succeed through planning and persistence.
  • Tigers will prefer work related to business trips, they are suitable for the field of tourism and logistics.
  • The Ox in combination with Capricorn gives the integrity of the personality and stability, they tend to work in one place for a long time, they can be programmers and engineers.
  • Rabbits can work with people, they will make psychologists, teachers, lecturers, trainers.
  • Dragons under the sign of Capricorn have an increased Martian energy, which means that they are suitable for sports and tourism, they are not afraid of competition and excel in the field of construction, renovation and interior design.
  • Snakes are less than others focused on occupying positions and increasing salaries, Venus, which controls Jupiter, in the sign of Capricorn has weak properties, so they need to constantly make efforts on themselves in order to succeed. Learning to work related to the production of things and design will be a reliable area.
  • Horses succeed due to their communication skills and ability to sell their services, Capricorn under the sign of the Horse can work with securities, in trading, in banking and management.
  • The goat has modesty and calmness, the harmonious combination of the elements of water and earth in the sign of Capricorn gives him the ability to be a good family man and interest in the improvement of his own home and garden.
  • Monkeys can create a good career for themselves through thoughtful training and the ability to overcome obstacles in their chosen field of activity.
  • The rooster is suitable for studying social psychology, its area is public relations, personnel management and law. In the field of recruitment, the Rooster can succeed due to Capricorn’s love for paperwork.
  • A dog is a sign that can reach heights in business: wholesale, real estate transactions, securities markets. In these areas, Capricorn will need qualities such as the ability to write business plans and analytical forecasts.
  • The Pig gives an interest in tourism and spirituality, people whose character is determined by the signs of Capricorn and the Pig can be soft, polite and tactful, and at the same time easily take on the leadership of a group or a small team.

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