Fitokana-monina: mamorona fepetra ho amin'ny fiovana ho tsara kokoa

The pandemic has forced the whole world to live by new rules. Expert of the Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis, psychologist Vladimir Shlyapnikov tells how best to adapt to the difficult period of self-isolation.

Today, most of us are faced with previously unfamiliar problems. The quarantine regime imposes certain restrictions, which means it forces you to change your lifestyle.

For many, these changes can be a major challenge. You can choose the path of least resistance and spend quarantine lying on the couch, mindlessly switching TV channels or scrolling through social media feeds. For some, this path will seem optimal. For others, the unusual life situation in which we all find ourselves may be an occasion for development and change.

A few simple tips will help you spend quarantine for the benefit of yourself and change your lifestyle for the better.

1. Mitahiry diary

It is impossible to manage what you do not know and do not understand. Explore yourself and your life. The best tool for self-knowledge is a diary. Use the simplest self-monitoring scheme. Write down your actions during the day, note what feelings they cause: satisfaction, joy, peace, pleasant fatigue or, conversely, disappointment, indignation, fatigue, exhaustion.

Pay attention to what time you feel an upsurge in mood, a thirst for activity, and when a recession sets in, a desire to take a break and relax.

The period of self-isolation, when the need to obey the daily routine imposed from the outside, is minimal, is the best time to listen to the body and identify your unique daily rhythms. Pay special attention to «problem areas». It is difficult for someone to get involved in work in the morning and it takes a lot of time to build up, it is difficult for someone to calm down and relax before going to bed.

2. Set the rhythm

Alternating periods of activity and rest, we maintain a balance of forces in the body throughout the day. Just as a metronome sets the beat for a musician, our environment sets a certain rhythm for us. In conditions of self-isolation, when we were left without a “metronome”, it becomes more difficult to maintain a familiar lifestyle.

Keeping a diary will allow you to learn more about your own rhythm, and the correct daily routine will help maintain or correct it.

Diversify your activity. To avoid routine and addiction, alternate between different activities: rest and exercise, watching TV and reading books, work (study) and play, household chores and self-care. Choose the optimal duration for each lesson so that it brings satisfaction and does not have time to get bored.

3. Use external controls

Self-organization requires significant resources. To save them, «delegate» the management of your life to external controllers. The simplest thing is the daily routine: it can be a simple schedule on the desktop, multi-colored reminder stickers hung throughout the apartment, or a smart tracker in a smartphone.

A good way to create the necessary mood is music. Pick up playlists for work, fitness, relaxation session. To set yourself up for serious work, find a simple activity that will help you concentrate and feel the tone. Cleaning in the room or on the desktop helps someone, for someone a small five-minute warm-up — choose your option.

Of course, the best controller in any activity is another person. Find yourself a companion for work or school. Determine the best way to interact: motivate and control each other, compete or collaborate, come up with a game that will turn routine activities into an exciting adventure. Choose what works for you.

4. Add novelty

Self-isolation is a good time to get new experiences. Today, when many large companies provide free access to their resources, we can try new hobbies.

Set aside about an hour a day to explore new things. Sign up for an online course on big data analytics. Explore new areas of music or cinema. Sign up for a yoga or dance class. Participate in an online marathon.

Do what you have long wanted, but did not dare. Drop prejudice, overcome inertia, just try and don’t think about the result. Feel like a traveler and pioneer.

Pay attention to the feelings that new activities evoke. A little resistance is a normal reaction to novelty that passes quickly. However, if the experiment causes you strong negative emotions, you should not wait for the end of the session — click on the «stop» button and continue searching for yourself in a different direction.

5. Think about the meaning of what is happening

A pandemic is a global, uncontrolled and meaningless process. Quarantine and self-isolation are forced measures that most countries are taking today. This is a challenge to all mankind, which cannot be faced alone. At the same time, everyone can reflect on the meaning of this situation for him personally.

For some, this is a time of serious trials, personal and professional, for others, a period of forced rest. For some, quarantine can be a time of active personal and professional growth, while for some it is a good reason to take care of loved ones and friends.

Find the answer that’s right for you. Understanding the meaning of what is happening for you personally will help you determine your goals for the time of self-isolation, mobilize the resources of the body, and reduce the level of anxiety and uncertainty. So you will make this period more productive.

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