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How many calories should I consume to lose weight

Mathematics is a loyal ally of those who are going to lose weight seriously and for a long time. It will help you find out how many kilograms are really superfluous, the amount of calories to maintain and reduce weight, as well as a lot of valuable information. To do this, they came up with special formulas for calculating the calorie content.

Weight Loss Kit

Считаем и худеем: тонкости диетической математики

Before you learn how to count calories, you need to stock up on all the necessary tools. First of all, we will need a floor scale, preferably electronic. They give a more accurate result and reflect the slightest fluctuations in weight. Remember, nutritionists recommend carrying out control weigh-ins twice a day, in light clothing and without shoes. In the morning, this is done after visiting the toilet, in the evening-before taking a shower. Make sure that the scale is adjusted in advance and place it on a flat, hard surface, away from foreign objects. To calculate the daily calorage, you will need a kitchen electronic scale, a calculator and calorie tables. The latter can easily be found on the Internet and in bookstores.

Lose weight or not lose weight

Считаем и худеем: тонкости диетической математики

The very first calculation to be made is to determine the body mass index (BMI). This kind of rapid diagnosis will show How long the current weight corresponds to the norm and whether it poses a threat to health. The BMI formula is as follows: weight in kg should be divided by height, calculated in meters and squared. For example, your weight is 58 kg, height is 164 cm, according to the formula you need the number of height: 1.64 × 1.64 = 2.6896, now you need to divide the weight indicator by the height indicator: 58 : 2.6896 = 21.56, this is your body mass index. How should this result be understood? The indicator 16.0-17.9 indicates a lack of body weight; 18.0-24.9 corresponds to the norm; 25.0-29.9 indicates a predisposition to obesity; 30.0–34.9 — a sign of the first stage of obesity; 35.9–39.9 confirms the second stage of obesity. Please note that the figure on the calculator is only a rough guide, and small errors are inevitable here. If you need more precise information, go to a specialist.

In search of balance

Считаем и худеем: тонкости диетической математики

As you know, the effectiveness of any diet depends on the amount of calories consumed. To determine the optimal number of them, you need to calculate your main exchange. This is done according to the following formula: 655 + (9.6 × body weight, kg) + (1.8 × height, cm) – (4.7 × age). In addition, you need to take into account the degree of physical activity, that is, the consumption of calories. Therefore, the result is multiplied by the corresponding coefficient. For sedentary work, we multiply the value obtained by the formula by 1.2. The coefficient for weak physical activity (60 minutes of walking or light fitness) is 1.3; for regular sports-1.5; for heavy physical labor-1.7. This final result is the number of calories required to maintain weight in the norm.

Alternative counting

Считаем и худеем: тонкости диетической математики

The daily calorage is also determined based on the daily energy consumption. It takes into account age, gender, and the physical activity quotient (CFA) that we already know. Women substitute the desired values in the following formulas: from 18 to 30 years (0.062 × weight in kg + 2.036) × 240 × CFA; from 31 to 60 years (0.034 × weight in kg + 3.538) × 240 × CFA; over 60 years (0.038 × weight in kg + 2.755) × 240 × CFA. Men make the following calculations: from 18 to 30 years (0.063 × body weight in kg + 2.896) × 240 × CFA; from 31 to 60 years (0.484 × body weight in kg + 3.653) × 240 × CFA; over 60 years (0.491 × body weight in kg + 2.459) × 240 × CFA. Do not be confused by the fact that the result obtained may differ from the main exchange. After all, these formulas were compiled independently of each other.

Calories in exile

Считаем и худеем: тонкости диетической математики

All of these calculations show the approximate amount of calories to maintain weight. But how many calories do you need to lose weight? Here it is important to determine the intensity of weight loss. The best option is to reduce the diet to 15 %. To find out How long you need to lighten the daily calorage, multiply it by 0.15. This reduction will allow you to get rid of 1.5-2 kg per month. If you have to lose weight at an accelerated pace, the calorage is cut by 20-25 %. As a result, within a month you can part with 3-5 kg. With strict diets, losing weight with a risk to health reduces the diet by up to 40 %. In this case, in addition to a sharp weight loss, you can guarantee to get an exacerbation of chronic diseases and more serious problems with fatal consequences.

Changeable products

Считаем и худеем: тонкости диетической математики

In addition to the calorie tables of dishes, comprehensive information on the topic is provided by smartphone apps. However, those who lose weight with experience claim that keeping a handwritten diary disciplines much more effectively. In this case, when calculating, it is important to remember several key aspects. Many products in the process of heat treatment change the calorie content. So, meat, poultry, fish and vegetables lose moisture when cooking, but they absorb fat well. But cereals and pasta, on the contrary, intensively accumulate moisture, increasing the volume. This is especially important to consider when preparing soups, main dishes and side dishes. To do this, separately consider the calorie content of each ingredient in the finished form, not forgetting about the oil, herbs, seasonings and even water.

Knowing how to calculate your diet, you can easily make a balanced menu. And by recording the calculations in the food diary, you will clearly see the progress and, if necessary, you will be able to make adjustments. And yet the main thing is not the pursuit of cherished figures, but a reasonable approach.

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