
Sometimes we fail to solve a problem, no matter how hard we try to think logically. When the rational left hemisphere is powerless, the creative right comes to the rescue. One of the most effective ways to work with him is fairy tale therapy. What kind of method it is and how it helps to solve a seemingly unsolvable problem, says psychologist Elena Mkrtychan.

At first, it was the main source of information, it allowed to transfer knowledge about life, to store history. Then it became a tool that helps children develop harmoniously, both mentally and emotionally. In fairy tales, one can find an explanation of physical laws, and archetypes of human characters, and all kinds of conflicts and family situations, and types of behavior in them.

If a child skips the “fabulous” stage of education, his own life algorithm is not formed, and his attitude to life begins to be influenced by adult attitudes, often subjective.

Children who have not been read fairy tales are in the «risk» group. Growing up, they try to solve any problem reasonably, logically, using standard moves and techniques and ignoring the intuitive right hemisphere potential, the ability to act creatively, inspiredly, on a whim. They do not live, but heroically overcome something all the time.

The left hemisphere is looking for an explanation for everything and does not recognize miracles. And the right recognizes — and attracts them

They do not give free rein to the imagination, and after all, everything that can be thought up and imagined can be realized. And not in imagination, but in reality. The left hemisphere is looking for an explanation for everything and does not recognize miracles. And the right hemisphere recognizes. And, moreover, he knows how to implement them and even to call and attract.

The right hemisphere operates with illogical circumstances, so much so that the left does not have time to track and fix it. «How did you do it?» — the rational left hemisphere is perplexed. «By some miracle!» — answers the right, although this does not explain anything. It is all the more pleasant to come across the “wonderful” results of right hemispheric work, explainable from the point of view of neurophysiology and psychology.

Why write your own story

When we come up with a fairy tale according to all the rules, with the help of images familiar from childhood, we launch the algorithm of our own code thinking, which uses our strengths, all our mental and emotional potential.

This thinking is given to us from birth, it is free from stereotypes imposed by upbringing, «adult» logic, parental attitudes, and traditions. By launching and using this algorithm in the future, we learn to get out of life’s dead ends.

Remember: surely you or your friends have ever fallen into a vicious circle. Despite all efforts, the series of failures did not stop, everything was repeated again and again …

A classic example is when “both smart and beautiful” is left alone. Or, for example, all the prerequisites, and the mind, and education, and talent, are evident, but it is impossible to find a suitable job. And someone accidentally happens to be at the right time in the right place, meets a classmate in the corridor — and help comes from an unexpected side and without much effort. Why?

This may mean that we tend to complicate things, to let unnecessary characters into our lives, to make unnecessary efforts.

Those who are unlucky complain: “I’m doing everything right! I’m doing my best!» But it’s just that the necessary “button” in the brain is not turned on, and even doing “everything is right”, we miss something, we don’t press it and as a result we don’t get what we want.

If the problem is not solved at the level of logic, it’s time to turn on the right hemisphere. The fairy tale we have written reveals the codes, buttons and levers that the brain uses in overcoming obstacles, in solving problems, in building relationships. We begin to see more opportunities, stop missing them, break out of that very vicious circle. This algorithm begins to work at an unconscious level.

We kind of dial the code — and the safe opens. But for this, the code must be chosen correctly, the fairy tale is written harmoniously, logically, without distortion.

It is difficult to do this, especially the first time. Every now and then we fall into stereotypes, lose the thread of the story, come up with secondary characters that do not play a special role. And we also constantly turn on the logic, we try to rationalize what should remain magical.

This may mean that in real life we ​​tend to reflect too much, complicate everything, let unnecessary characters into our lives, and make unnecessary efforts.

But when the fairy tale reveals all this, it is already possible to work with it.

Writing a fairy tale: instructions for adults

1. Come up with a fairy tale plot, the vicissitudes of which will be clear to a 5-6-year-old child.

This is the age when abstract thinking is not yet formed, the child perceives information about the world through visual images. And they are best represented in fairy tales, thanks to which a kind of “bank” of life situations is formed, an integral image of the world.

2. Start with a classic phrase (“Once upon a time there were …”, “In a certain kingdom, a certain state”), answering the question of who the characters in the tale are.

3. Keep your characters simple: they must be representatives of either good or evil.

4. Follow the logic of the plot development and causal relationships. When evil is done in a fairy tale, it should be clear who, how and why does it. The logical harmony of the plot corresponds to the harmony of our mental operations. And having achieved it, we will achieve our life goals.

5. Tsarovythat one of the main engines of a fairy tale plot is magic, a miracle. Do not forget to use illogical, irrational, fabulous plot moves: «suddenly a hut grew out of the ground», «she waved her magic wand — and the prince came to life.» Use magic items: ball, comb, mirror.

If a child listened to your fairy tale, would he withstand this heap of details? No, he would get bored and run away

6. Hold a picture in front of your eyes. When telling a story, make sure that every moment can be represented as a vivid picture. No abstraction — only specifics. “The princess was impressed” is abstract, “the princess fell neither alive nor dead” is visual.

7. Do not complicate or lengthen the plot. If a child listened to your fairy tale, would he withstand all this heap of details? No, he would get bored and run away. Try to keep his attention.

8. End the story with a classic rhythmic phrase, but not by the conclusion and not by the moral of what was said, but rather by a “cork” that clogs up the narrative: “This is the end of the fairy tale, but who listened …”, “And they lived happily ever after.”

9. Give the story a title. Include the names of characters or the names of specific objects, but not abstract concepts. Not «About love and fidelity», but «About the white queen and the black flower.»

In the process of writing a fairy tale, it is important to focus on bodily sensations. Starting to get nauseous? So, the thought got confused, went to the side. We must return to the starting point and look for where the failure occurred. Caught inspiration, adrenaline “played”, you flushed? You are on the right track.

If your own plot is not born, you can take one of the many existing ones as a basis — you will want to make changes to it.

And let a fairy tale with a happy ending be your first step towards a happy life!

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